Plataforma Viabiliza

  • Período:
  • Local:
  • Contratante:
    GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Secretaria Nacional de Mobilidade Urbana - MinCidades
  • Socios:
    REDES Mobilidade Urbana, Multiplicidad Mobilidade Urbana, Ecostage

Development of an online platform for evaluating sustainable urban mobility projects for the Ministry of Cities and BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank), implementating a technical and theoretical framework methodology for project appraisal and the pilot evaluation of two projects (Recife's LRT and an urban and road space requalification project in Niterói).

The main activities include:

- Assessing the social, economic, and environmental impacts and risks of the ventures, using criteria, requirements, and indicators;

- Identifying gaps and improvements in the methodology proposed by the EUROCLIMA+ Program in order to implementing it as a self-applicable online tool, and aligned with the scenario of project conception proposed by public and private actors, who comprise the target audience.

- Proposing changes in the two pilot projects in Recife and Niterói based on the results obtained after applying the evaluation methodology, in order to contribute to improving the initially attributed assessment of the projects;

- Conducting a preliminary analysis of the projects' bankability, in order to validate the hypotheses indicating that the higher the sustainability levels of the project, the greater the accessible sources and financing advantages;

- Surveying, characterizing, and systematizing sources of financing for urban mobility projects, eligibility criteria for financing lines, and linking them with the characteristics of the evaluated projects.

- Developing an online platform consisting of a dashboard viewer integrated into a web page managed by the Ministry of Cities. The online platform will allow municipalities to register information about the project and calculate sustainability indicators to evaluate its environmental, social, and economic performance and link them to possible sources of financing.

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