Analysis of Shared Streets in Sao Paulo

  • Período:
    08/2021 - 06/2022
  • Local:
  • Contratante:
    Banco Mundial (BIRD) and UK Prosperity Fund
  • Socios:
    FGV-SP - Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Vital Strategies, Levy-Monteiro

Analysis of Shared Streets in São Paulo

The Shared Streets study in São Paulo was developed by FGV-SP, Vital Strategies, REDES Mobilidade, and Levy-Monteiro, contracted by the World Bank BIRD and the UK Prosperity Fund for the Municipality of São Paulo. The ultimate goal of this project is to understand how it would be possible to alter modal distribution by increasing the participation of active modes in the city of São Paulo through specific and generic measures. In terms of generic measures, our focus will be on sidewalks. Through regulatory and investment proposals, the project aims to provide ways to improve the quality of sidewalks and increase pedestrian space in the city. In specific terms, the objective is to enhance the city's capacity to create micro-interventions, i.e., urban interventions within a defined perimeter that value active modes and public transportation instead of individual motorized transportation in preferred areas of the city. Cases of experiences with socially and environmentally sustainable mobility will be studied, with a focus on public transportation and active mobility, especially bicycles and walking. The project also aims to estimate the costs of negative externalities associated with different modes of transportation in the city of São Paulo and, finally, to develop an Active Mode Propensity tool for São Paulo.

Analysis of Shared Streets - Analysis of Road Use and Externalities by Mode of Transportation in São Paulo (Portuguese):

Report with the methodological description and main results of the activities associated with Task C of the Work Plan of the Analysis of Shared Streets project. In this document, we present data on the distribution of space by mode of transportation, as well as the methodology and estimates of negative externalities in four areas: (i) CO2 emissions; (ii) congestion time; (iii) traffic accidents, and (iv) health impacts of excessive fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions. For each of these dimensions of negative externalities generated by transportation, we propose a way to monetize the consequences of different modal choices.

Link to the World Bank repository:

Analysis of Shared Streets - Analysis of Sustainable Transportation Policy Cases (Portuguese):

Report analyzing various public policy instruments for Travel Demand Management and Complete Streets to provide input for transportation policies in the city of São Paulo aimed at increasing the participation of healthy modes (active and collective) to be discussed in the subsequent stages of this project. For this purpose, 14 cases in 11 cities with diverse contexts, including three measures implemented in the city of São Paulo, were analyzed and grouped into: (1) Interventions focused on travel demand management and reduction of the use of individual motorized transportation; (2) Interventions focused on complete streets and prioritization of active modes; and (3) Interventions aimed at reducing distances. Lessons applicable to sustainable transportation policies in the city of São Paulo were extracted from the analysis, and detailed descriptions of each case are provided as an annex to this document.

Link to the World Bank repository:

Analysis of Shared Streets - Case Study Report (Portuguese):

The Benchmark documents various experiences selected for their orientation to change the distribution of modes in urban space in favor of socially and environmentally sustainable mobility, with a focus on public transportation and active mobility, especially bicycles and walking.

Link to the World Bank repository:

Analysis of Shared Streets in São Paulo - Executive Summary (English):

Link to the World Bank repository:

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