Definición, Medición y Gestión de la Calidad de Servicio del Transporte Público para Ciudades de América Latina

  • Período:
    05/2021 - 04/2022
  • Local:
    Brasil, México, Panamá e Uruguay
  • Contratante:
    CAF - Development Bank of Latin America
  • Socios:
    Instituto del Sur Urbano
Public transport is key for the population to have access to the opportunities offered by cities, especially in Latin America. The present work offers a toolfor the transit system agencies to define clear, understandable and transparent metrics for monitoring, evaluation and improvement of the service quality.
This publication is the result of a research, methodological formulation and empirical analysis that involved the participation of five public transport systems in four Latin American cities: Metrobús in Mexico City, MiBus and the Metro in Panama, the Metropolitan Transport System of Montevideo and the BRT system of Rio de Janeiro.
The work proposes definitions of service quality combining the perspectives of users and operators, presents examples of measurement and monitoring using information and technology, and contributes to the improvement of public transport in LatinAmerican cities.
Link to download from the SCIOTECA CAF:

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